Sunday, May 10, 2009


瓦靠,凄凉~一大早起来就收到牛肉干一张,那天4月13号去sunshine coast的时候竟然超速!!!speed zone 100的我们开到114??? exceed speed limit by 13 km/h要价200大元的罚款!!!天呀~好黑哦。

仅此通知所有4月13日去sunshine coast 的搭客:Don,ray,connie 和 telisa,请每人准备40元的罚款,上图为收据。谢谢惠顾。

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Survey - Coffee shop market research

I am doing a survey for coffee shop in Brisbane city. Those who stay somewhere around Brisbane, please feel free to help me complete the online survey question. Thanks for your kindness and participation. 

Click here to take the survey now. The survey was created with survey software.